Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Twin Song

I miss my twin sister. The day before I left for California we recorded this improv song. I took this video that I filmed all over Europe and made it into a movie that could make any grown man cry....or just me.

This is Carly's and I favorite thing to do. Just sit around and sing while she plays guitar.

Love ya twin.....and also Lauren (big sis)...and family in general...and everyone else...that I know!

In the spirit of missing people

I found this amazing picture from my teammates wedding. Here we have an Eastern Green sandwich with Jon, Megan the bride and Harry.
And in the spirit of missing everyone terribly, I decided to upload a video of the good times. LOve you guys!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Little Bro

Look how handsome my little bro is

Eat your hearts out teenie-boppers!

I watch this SNL clip and thought of him...because his name is Thomas.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sittin' on the Couch

I found this e-mail that I sent to my self a few months ago.

April 9, 2009

If love is in the air, I’m breathing in deep.

I overheard this awesome one-sided conversation of a girl on a phone in Starbucks


“What? I sound like a dude?”

“Thanks jerk!”

“Did you see that I have deleted you as a friend on facebook?”

“Well, I did!”

“Because you deleted everything that I write on your wall.”

“What do you mean I’m a Negative Nancy?”

Communication has changed since I graduated high school. I remember spending tons of money and time sending out invitation and now all I have to do is create a facebook group. Wow! Facebook has made me a coward when it comes to communication. I barely have to make an effort.

I’m a girl who is sitting alone in a coffee shop smiling completely at ease with the dismal future drawing closer . Some people may call it ignorance. I call it trust.