Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where in the World is Kristy @?

If you didn't know that I'm back in Indiana....you need to get on it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


But one of my absolute favorite things to do when I am home is to go on a treasure hunts through my mom’s things, and on my last exploration I found a most interesting book and in light of the new decade, I would like to shed some light on my findings.

The book is called "Y2K Kitchen: Jump start your personal contingency plan storms, power failures, Y2K" by Sally Strackbein, preparing the Average Joe for the tragedies he may face in the year 2000 and how to combat dilemmas like massive power outages and well…the end of the world with helpful can recipes and alternative cooking methods. This book suggest how to talk about Y2K and gather momentum in your community especially your neighborhood by doing things like writing a newsletter or set-up a public meeting.

This book also features such gems as “The Great Electrical Tape Failure” where all electrical tape lost its stickiness and a chapter about why you shouldn’t believe the optimists.

Below I have included the recipe for Beanie Spammie

1 can of spam

1 large can or 2 smal cans f Bushes or B&M Baked Beans

Cut the Spam into ½ inch cubes. Brown Spam in Skillet until golden Brown. Add beans and simmer for 5 minutes.

Ah Y2K Bliss!

I remember when I was in middle school and my mom was preparing for Y2K. She bought enough nonperishable food and water to last us a week and a generator. Midnight came with our flashlights in hand and nothing happened. Although this book may come across as nutty the basic concept of this book is be prepared for the worst but hope for the best. Is this a concept that we should carry over into every aspect of our lives? It certainly beats the philosophy I’ve been living by, be prepared for the best and hope for the best.