Sunday, August 18, 2013

In the Middle

I can't believe I still have another six months to go in Korea before I move on to SA to be married and then US. Going home seems like a distant dream. How many times have I dreamt that I was arriving at the Indianapolis International Airport? If you would have told me the day I left Indiana on April 7, 2011 I would only return 3 1/2 years later and a married woman nonetheless, I'd say I'd scarcely believe it. Although, I miss my friends and family dearly, I've grown immensely. I’ve learnt to stand on my own two feet. While this was happening, I met Carlo and we sort of grew into one. But somewhere in the middle of leaving home and finding myself engaged I was independent of sorts....wasn't I? Anyways, I dare say that some of my friends won't recognize me with the weight loss and my increased confidence what have you.


But life goes on. And I plan on living it, but I will remember to keep my family and friends, the things I hold most near and dear to me.