Sunday, May 16, 2010

No to Apathy, Yes to Passion

Just heard this powerful message at E91 and I can't help but feel this sense of urgency that Jesus died on the cross and gave me an anointing. I can't help thinking "what am I doing about it?" because this could be the last hour.

We are doing a series on the letters from John to the church in 1 John and today Daron gave this message on 1 john 2:18-27 about the coming of the antichrist.

I don't know about you but one of my hinderances to living out the Gospel is apathy (the absence of emotion or enthusiasm) . And when I step back and look at apathy it is a scary dangerous thing to carry. Apathy is opposing what God is doing. We swim in a culture that is opposed to living a life that God created for us to live. When we take a look at the lives of the disciples you get a glimpse of people that understood the affection and the love of God and were laying down their lives to expand His kingdom. I dont know about you, but I want to lose apathy and gain His passion.

and when I heard that message I got total heart change.

Anyways just thought I would share how God continues to awaken me.

Check out the message at Love, John 6

Learn from Jesus. Love in Community. Live out the gospel

"26I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray. 27As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him." 1 John 2:26-27

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lessons in Dance

Welcome back to another segment of "Lessons in Dance"

First start off with some slammin electro music like Passion Pit or the widely loved French band Justice.

Next remember to always include a prop into your routine. For this dance, I selected a cat.

And last but certainly not least wear some ridiculously high pajama pants.

For a little extra spice throw in a mirror to catch your moves from behind.

Life Update

Many of my blog readers (cricket cricket) may be wondering what I have been up to for the past 4 months in Fishers. I'm sorry to inform you that my post California time has no all been productive. My first 2 months were pretty blah. All I did was work, sleep, hang out with my little brother, and eat. I barely made it out of the house to hangout with real live people. I really missed the glory days of my college years where I was surrounded by all of my friends and every night was an adventure. I just didn't even feel like putting myself out there in Fishers and making an effort. I had been church shopping and hadn't found anywhere that felt like home. My few joys were driving all the way down to bloomington to see all of my old college friends. After 2 wasted months of my life had past, I decide enough was enough. I wasn't growing or being challenged and I spent so much time at home that my little brother who plays video games all day started making fun of me.

Despite being an overwhelmingly huge church, I started going to East 91st church. I got connected in one of their small groups in my area. I put myself put there and met some pretty cool people. Now I get to meet and hangout with people my age who are in the same area of life as me. Through that small group I met a pretty cool girl, Erin, who introduced me to this organization called Faith, Hope, and Love. Their vision is

"Building communities of Faith, Hope and Love through facilitating active participation of local communities in improving neighborhoods and by helping those in need. We come together with one purpose: to love God and to love our neighbors."

They are pretty radical in a good way! Right now I'm in their BIblical Foundation and Training Class. We meet once a week, and my small group has the most amazing women of faith on the planet. I am being challenged, trained, and equipped to love and lead people to Jesus and it is so amazing. More to come on them later.

For a while I was second guessing myself in thinking that I had made a mistake leaving California, but I know now that God has me here for a purpose and is instilling dreams and a vision in me. This is my season of rediscovering God's glory in Indianapolis my home town none the less.