Monday, January 10, 2011

Resolution #4 Watch more HowCast and less Hulu

We all need to have a greater thirst for knowledge after all Clay P. Bedford said,

"You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives."

Howcast is this channel on Youtube where they have all of these videos about how to do things like how to cook, how to get the best prices, how to do all sorts of random things. Check this video of how to get psyched!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Just Tryin' to Be Flexible

Resolution #3 Be more flexible

Check out the benefits of stretching.

1. Improved Performance, Decreased Injury Risk

2. Reduced Muscle Soreness

3. Improved Posture

4. Reduced Risk of Low Back Pain

5. Increased Blood and Nutrients to Tissues

6. Improved Muscle Coordination

7. Enhanced Enjoyment of Physical Activities

Finally putting my yoga mat to use. This is a great way to unwind or start the day for those of us who need a little tranquility in their life. Great time to pray, reflect, or think about what to blog next.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Make More Movies

Resolution #2 Make more videos.

I whipped this one up in no time. Well actually in total it took 3 months but I could spend hours making videos of the people I love. I had this whole plan of what I wanted to do. A plot and ideas. Then, when I visited Carly in Chicago and Lauren in Dallas something happened. I set the camera up and we were just ourselves. Nothing planned. I just set the tripod up and when I watched the film, it was pure magic. More videos to come.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

What would a New Year be w/o Resolutions?

Well, it's no secret that I have my neglected my dear blog. Not that anyone out in the cyber world has felt a terrible loss without my sarcastic remarks and witty dance numbers. As part of the New Year I am turning over a new leaf. I will be updating my blog with a new New Year's resolution.

So Resolution #1. Blog more