Saturday, March 12, 2011

Kristen EXOTIC?!?!

I promise I'm not trying to be inappropriate.

It just has occurred to me that in a couple of weeks I will be considered EXOTIC, a foreigner, a minority.

exotic- (adj) Originating in or characteristics of a distant foreign country

This is never a word that I would choose to describe myself, but it is a coming reality

My hopes are that Koreans don't expect foreigners to adhere to all of the local norms because it always seem like I do or say the wrong thing when I am put in a cultural situations. My research suggest that I need to remain humble in all situations because this cultural prizes modesty and second that Korean society elevates the group (family and colleagues) over the individual. Communal living: I can dig it.

Note to self: Check my pride and independence at the door.....CHECK!

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