Carlo and I went to Busan for a day trip to see some of his friends from S. Africa. Busan is this beautiful coastal town where Korean flock to from all over the country to soak up the sun...ironically they lay on the beach covered from head to toe so they dont actually get a sun tan (Korean people think that the whiter they are the more beautiful they are). It is said that if you go to this beach during the summer, you dont even see an open area of sand because every inch of it is covered by blankets and umbrellas. The beach was beautiful and to top it off they had a culture festival complete with traditional dances, traditional dances including sticking a bunch of children in a pool full of fish and having them race to see who can catch the most. There were beach side restaurants and fire works and korean kites. It was beautiful.
But the beach side festivities were only the opening act for the real reason we came to Busan.....the Lotte Giants Baseball game. A Korean baseball game is something you truly have to experience for yourself. It is hard for me to describe it to you but I will try. The level of crowd involvement is incredible. The chants are Western songs that have been transformed into Korean. Everyone has homemade pom-poms and/or a foam finger. The food is cheap the fans are loud. Obviously not being about to speak Korean, I had no idea what they were chanting but I chanted it with them anyways. The Koreans thought that this was hilarious seeing the "foreigners" try to yell at the opposing team in broken Korean. Ahhhhh dreams came true that day at the baseball field
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