Sunday, June 14, 2009

Brave New World

Some concepts that have found new meanings in my adult life:

“If you don’t work, you don’t eat”


Money management has come to a new level. Battling things like high California taxes and karate chopping living expenses.


There is no more “Well after I finish school and I can spread my wings and soar”, I’m in the after….I’m in the now….I’m in the afternow! Will I only feel complete after I have successfully established myself oversea. NO! How do I define my success. That is really the question that I find myself pondering at the present moment.

What’s a girl to do? Should  I make do with the mediocre or strive for excellence?

What does daily success look like. I think I will ask my friends….


I asked Gadi and he said that your success is defined by your level of happiness and your ability to meet your goals.


I’m happy but am I meeting my goals….

Need a pick-me-up? Dance to this. Don't know how to dance? The key is to always have your hands in me.

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