I’ve always thought of myself as someone who was slow to catch onto things. When I was younger, I thought sex was just rolling around in a bed naked until about 8th grade. I never really connected the dots. I remember in 5th grade, my girl scout group had a specialist come in to explain he birds and the bees to us and I still didn’t understand. They didn’t use literal terminology they talked more metaphorically. I remember leaving that meeting thinking “what the heck, I still don’t how babies are made!” I can drive some places a million times and still forget the directions. I’ve never really thought of myself as a contemplator but more as a learn-as-you-go type of person or a play-by-ear. Speaking of these little phrases like learn-as-you-go or play-by-ear, I sometimes realize that I have no idea what these little American phrases mean.
Now in my old age, I find myself contemplating everything. I am second guessing myself and my decisions. Caution steps in what I do and say and I allow myself to think.
This baby is just here to demonstrate that most of the time I have no idea what the heck is going on.
ANd I just think that this article is awesome...
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