Deep calls to deep in the roar of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and breakers have swept over me.
I found this e-mail that I sent to my self a few months ago.
April 9, 2009
If love is in the air, I’m breathing in deep.
I overheard this awesome one-sided conversation of a girl on a phone in Starbucks
“What? I sound like a dude?”
“Thanks jerk!”
“Did you see that I have deleted you as a friend on facebook?”
“Well, I did!”
“Because you deleted everything that I write on your wall.”
“What do you mean I’m a Negative Nancy?”
Communication has changed since I graduated high school. I remember spending tons of money and time sending out invitation and now all I have to do is create a facebook group. Wow! Facebook has made me a coward when it comes to communication. I barely have to make an effort.
I’m a girl who is sitting alone in a coffee shop smiling completely at ease with the dismal future drawing closer . Some people may call it ignorance. I call it trust.
"Given the proper combination of elements, dreams become spewing blowtorches of fuel, of oxygen and fire. The flame is constant and hot, paralyzing even in the warmth of its seduction. They have the power to ruin lives. Or to make a life unforgettably and without measure, extraordinary”
-Tammy Dooley author of the blog “Solo Road Trip”
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” — 1994 Inaugural Speech of Nelson Mandela
“Gonna change the world someday but you wonder where to start. Filling up the vacant spaces just being who you are. I know you’ve got it in you. There is nothing that you can’t do. Step out it’s a wide wide world. Don’t back down little girl”
-The Daylights
“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.” –Mary Anne Radmacher
The great philosopher Brittney Spears once said, “I’m not a girl, not yet a women.”
So I am a woman…for obvious reasons.
I’m old enough to vote
Check (although I haven’t)
I’m on my own
I have a job
I make adult decisions
Post-grad and all, I’ve been introduced to the harsh world of reality with responsibility and possibility. I like to plan things out. Some people may not think of me as a planner, but I am constantly thinking of things like what will I do, how much will that cost, what do I need, how am I going to get it, how can I make this work. The questions and lists keep piling up until I just think of casting my dreams to the side, which leads me to avoid decision-making. I forget to take things a day at a time and find myself avoiding the long road ahead.
And I was thinking maybe the key to being a good adult …is to be more like a child. I know, I know, I’m not crazy. I’m not thinking of moving back in with my parents to relive the glory days or what-not but we can all learn something from children. They don’t hold back from dreaming or trusting. They are completely themselves. The world is full of possibilities and potential. They just dive right into the sea of life without any fear.
I know that this fear of failure is holding me back but I’ve just decided that I’m not going to let that happen.
No, I’m not going to read a self help book or 10 Steps to Success, but I have to acknowledge that fear of failure is a lack of faith and will only cause more failure. I don’t want to look back on my time here in California and think that I wasted any time lollygagging around where there is life and experiences to be had, potential to be met, and lessons to be learned. So I am going to go on towards Jesus, trusting that He has the best in store for me and He never fails. As long as I am regularly exposed to His radical love, I will be in the right place.
Won’t you join me in this race by saying no to fear and yes to dreams?
Mucho amour!
“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” Phil 1:6
We risk ourselves for the things that we love. Lately I have been feeling like a regular Indiana Jones. I have a tendency to forget things. Most recently I have been forgetting my keys in Ruby’s car and find myself with a need to lock the door to the apartment but unable to lock the door from the outside without a key. My mission was to make it to the Family Film Festival (a festival Remnant supports that makes it possible for families to watch free children’s movies during the week days), but I could not leave the apartment unlocked all day long. But I organized a plan to lock the apartment and leave for the Family Film Festival. You see Ruby and I live on the second floor and if I could just find the courage to step over our railing on our back porch and jump down, I could go and play with kids all afternoon. I prepared for the worst and I expected the best. I packed a snack thinking that if I hurt myself on the way down I would at least have something to take my focus off the pain. I put a Band-Aid in my bag thinking that one would be enough. I texted my friends to let them know the plan in case anything should go a rye. I prayed for the best.
Looking over the edge, I contemplated chickening-out but did not want to face the alternative of missing the Film Festival or leaving the apartment vulnerable to theft. Jumping was my only courageous option. I stepped over the railing, kicked my shoes down below into the shrubbery. I figured if I could somehow shimmy down the railing, I could swing to the railing of my neighbor’s porch below. I let my feet go. As I was hanging there off my railing, in plain sight of my neighbors, I thought to myself “Once again Kristen, you did not think this one through.” At this point it was too late to turn around. I did not have the arm strength to pull myself up and over the railing. My only choice was to let the wooden railing slide through my fingers until I was low enough to stand on the porch railing below me. My feet caught the railing and I jumped down into the safety of a flowerbed.
But we risk it all for the things we love. Am I right? I love the Family Film Festival. I get to meet tons of kids and parents, paint faces, play corn hole, and spread the word about the new church that meets in the movie theater.
Well jumping from a balcony may not be much but it was the riskiest thing that I have done since I up and moved to California.
I also had to do the same maneuver the week after that when I forgot my keys again. At least that time I had a spotter.
Cheers to safety!
I never thought that my life among the jellies and the bellies would be so interesting, but the crazies really do come out to play at the jelly Belly factory. Let me set the scene in Fairfield , CA. Small town with a reputation of being home of the Jelly belly factory. We have so many tours come in filled with people from around the world. At the beginning of the tour, we have our guests line up to take a pictures with a stuffed Jelly Belly. Some people for whatever reason don’t want to take a picture (it usually comes down to the price $22!)
I had this one lady with a stroller standing in line that asked me how much it cost to buy the picture and I said, “it is free to take the picture, but it is $22 to buy the picture.” She responded by saying, “oh I need to take a picture of this beautiful black baby.” And I thought to myself well that was an interesting response but I mean the lady was African American and maybe she just was really excited about her beautiful black baby and so I went back to doing some other work . As she is reaching the front of the line she says again “I need to take a picture of this beautiful black baby”. So at this point, I am like what is up with this lady, I thought maybe she needed to remind herself about how
beautiful her baby is because she keeps going on and on about her beautiful black baby. So I’m like what the heck is the deal with this baby. I look in the stroller and there is this little white baby and I look at the lady and then back at the baby . Then everything comes full circle that this lady is just straight crazy.
The other day I was a selling photo to a lady and after putting her photo in a bag I said “that will be $22”, then she proceeded to reach into her bra and pull out a stack of hundreds and handed me the money. I put on fakest smile ever and thanked her for her purchase. I don’t even wanna know.
Just today I had an old creepy man who asked me and my co-worker if he could take a picture of us for his collection. One of my co-workers was like “why would he want a picture of us”, and Ruby said “I can think of multiple reasons and none of them are good ones.”
Beyond all of that, we try to take the best possible pictures of families but no matter how well you shot, you are going to have family pictures that just come out straight awkward, like a few of these examples I have provided.
Enjoy my friends…
Yosemite coming soon.....
I’ve always thought of myself as someone who was slow to catch onto things. When I was younger, I thought sex was just rolling around in a bed naked until about 8th grade. I never really connected the dots. I remember in 5th grade, my girl scout group had a specialist come in to explain he birds and the bees to us and I still didn’t understand. They didn’t use literal terminology they talked more metaphorically. I remember leaving that meeting thinking “what the heck, I still don’t how babies are made!” I can drive some places a million times and still forget the directions. I’ve never really thought of myself as a contemplator but more as a learn-as-you-go type of person or a play-by-ear. Speaking of these little phrases like learn-as-you-go or play-by-ear, I sometimes realize that I have no idea what these little American phrases mean.
Now in my old age, I find myself contemplating everything. I am second guessing myself and my decisions. Caution steps in what I do and say and I allow myself to think.
This baby is just here to demonstrate that most of the time I have no idea what the heck is going on.
ANd I just think that this article is awesome...
Some concepts that have found new meanings in my adult life:
“If you don’t work, you don’t eat”
Money management has come to a new level. Battling things like high California taxes and karate chopping living expenses.
There is no more “Well after I finish school and I can spread my wings and soar”, I’m in the after….I’m in the now….I’m in the afternow! Will I only feel complete after I have successfully established myself oversea. NO! How do I define my success. That is really the question that I find myself pondering at the present moment.
What’s a girl to do? Should I make do with the mediocre or strive for excellence?
What does daily success look like. I think I will ask my friends….
I asked Gadi and he said that your success is defined by your level of happiness and your ability to meet your goals.
I’m happy but am I meeting my goals….
Need a pick-me-up? Dance to this. Don't know how to dance? The key is to always have your hands in motion...trust me.
So, I am s o blessed to volunteer with Remnant Church in Fairfield. This church is who they say they are. Their mission is to be the church on the street, in the office, in life with refreshing life from God. How do I describe this church; its like coming up for a breath of fresh air. Their hearts for God and people are so colorful and unique. Their getting out into the community to make a difference because they believe that they have something worth fighting for. I get to be a part of what God is doing in Fairfield. I’m interning here and I’m trying to be the hands and feet but right now I feel like I’m like the pinky, but eventually I will find my sweet spot, my special area of influence. I’m telling you people are always saying “what is so special about Fairfield? There is nothing to do, la-di-da-di-da” so here is my perspective. Fairfield has this secret luster. If you talk about the luster then there is the possibility that it will go away, but it is there. Fairfield has potential.
Every week we go to a place called Mission Solano, which is a homeless shelter, and just hang out. I’m just blow away by the people there that have lost so much and that have maybe made some bad choices or have been down on their luck, but despite all of that, they are so open to people. What I have found in the city of Fairfield is that the people really lack a sense of community but the people at the homeless shelter are very relational and open. I do my best to love them but they do a great job loving me back. The first week I was here. I had two days of work off and Ruby had gone out of town. I didn’t have anything to do so thought that I would just hangout with my friends at Mission Solano, but there is this guy there who goes by the name of Sweet Daddy who makes me feel mildly to extremely uncomfortable most of the time sayin things like “I like your face….You are so sweet…you single….give me a hug.” He would always end our conversations by rubbing my neck and saying something like “Bye cutie.” The women and their children at Mission Solano are amazing though...
My remnant friends are great and my work friends are great.
End of story.
Well at least for this entry.
Life in California has commenced and I could not be happier.
I work at the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield, CA in the guest service section. Jelly Belly gives free tours of the tours of the factory and during the tour the guest stop to take a picture with Mr. Jelly Belly in front of a green screen and then continue on with their tour. So I basically take their picture, edit their picture on the screen and add a bunch of jelly bellies to their background and people buy these photos for $22. It is so ridiculous, I feel like I am robbing people most of the time, then I remember that it is just Jelly Belly that is the greedy one. With that aside, I love my job. I get to work with my best friend, who is also my boss, Ruby. She tells me things like “Kristen, you have to pay me $100 to go to the bathroom.” When I greet the tourist I am constantly being made fun of for the things I say to them. Some of the most ridiculous things come out of my mouth. For instance, the other day I was trying to sell a picture to a couple with jelly bellies in the background. The lady was teeter-tottering on the idea of whether she wanted to buy her picture and I joking said, “You know, the jelly bellies really bring out the colors in your eyes.” Shortly after saying this I realized that she had black eyes to begin with, so I thought to myself out no…what have I just done. But to my surprise my comment swayed her in the right direction because she ended up buying the photo. Week 1 of working at the Jelly Belly factory is awesome and full of fun and laughter.
I think that it is amazing that I work in a candy factory. If you know me (and hopefully you do know me…if not please discontinue reading my blog) you know that I love candy. Surprisingly enough, I haven’t really eaten that much candy. I’m growing up I guess. With that aside, I work right above the bakery where they make things like fudge, chocolate cell phones, chocolate covered apples, and all kinds of tasty treats. When I’m not busy, I like to watch the bakers make all of their little desserts. Yeah, I’m pretty much in a constant state of temptation.